Authenticity Dispensations (previously known as Medical Dispensations)

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Where a member has a difficulty in complying with society authenticity rules due to a condition, accessibility need or high risk craft activity, they may apply for an Authenticity Dispensation (formerly known as ‘Medical Dispensation’). Each application will be considered on a case by case basis.

  1. The member should discuss their needs with their group leader/jarl or speak to the Equalities Team who may be able to help explore options.
  2. The member should consider options that would enable them to continue to participate in their chosen role, or alternative roles or activities that may be available.
  3. The members should email the Konungr-at with their request, explaining why the dispensation is needed.
  4. The members will not be required to provide medical evidence of their condition, although they may be asked for further information, which they may choose to give.
  5. If a member feels unable to apply for a dispensation themselves, they may ask their group leader to do so on their behalf.
  6. The Konungr will consider the request, contacting the Authenticity Officer, the Equalities Officer, LHE Officer and group leader/Jarl, as necessary.
  7. The member will receive an email from the Konungr giving their decision, this should be retained, as dispensations are normally time limited and the member may need to reapply in the future.
  8. When an Authenticity Dispensation is agreed, the Konungr will issue the member with an Authenticity Dispensation Card. This will not give any medical details, but must be produced by the member if any society officer asks about the dispensation. The card, or a photograph of it, should be carried at shows.
  9. The Konungr and the Authenticity officer will hold records of dispensations granted and the length of time they will last.
  10. Should an application for an Authenticity Dispensation be unsuccessful, a member may reapply if their need or circumstances change.