Basic LHE Skills
The intention of the Basic LHE Skills test is to prove a candidate’s ability to undertake commonplace village tasks in a competent, authentic and safe way. It is therefore essentially a health and safety test.
This is a qualifying test for Fri-hals promotion ; the test gains one Drengr promotion point.
The test may be undertaken in sections but the same RTT-V should aim to administer or witness the whole of the test, or at least must witness all of the sections if a different RTT-V administers some sections. The Village Guide gives full details of the assessment but a summary is given below.
The Basic LHE Skills Assessment
A candidate is required to demonstrate the following practical tasks :-
- Erecting a tent or awning, with assistance, but essentially directing the tent assembly.
- Assemble a piece of furniture, for example a flat pack stool or a table. The furniture must be properly put together and be fit for purpose after assembly.
- Taking the LHE Skills assessment
- Chopping firewood. Using an axe that they are happy with a candidate must split a log they select from the woodpile and chop it into usable pieces for a fire. At least some of the pieces should be sticks suitable for starting a fire.
- Starting a fire. The candidate must demonstrate their ability to set a fire on a fire box and get a fire started authentically. Note : A fire box must be used even where fire pits are allowed because procedures may be different and we are usually required to use fire boxes at events.
- Fill a Water Bottle. The candidate must take an empty water container from the camp and fill it with water for cooking ; ensuring that the task is done authentically and that the water is obtained from an approved water supply.
- Prepare Food. The candidate must provide either some meat or vegetables for the test and is to prepare the same ready for cooking. The preparation must require the use of an authentic sharp knife, which as part of the test they must show how they would sterilise between food types.
- Boiling Water. The candidate must set and bring a pan or cauldron of water to the boil without incident, keeping the fire under control. Once boiling the candidate must successfully remove the cauldron from the fire and set it down without spilling the contents or damaging the ground.
In addition to the practical tasks the candidate will be required to undertake a question and answer session in respect of the following: the questions can be asked during the practical tests or as a separate session at the discretion of the RTT-V. :-
- Fire Safety. The candidate will need to demonstrate what to do in the event of a fire, which may at the RTT-V’s discretion be simulated for the test. If a simulation is not appropriate, then sufficient questions should be asked to allow the candidate to demonstrate their knowledge of emergency procedures.
- 10 to 15 health and safety related questions, covering Society standing H+S matters including all of the practical tasks to be undertaken.
- 10 to 15 general camp procedure related questions, covering general camp set up, operation during the show, and breaking camp at the end of the show.
In order to pass the candidate must be able to :-
- Successfully complete at least 6 of the above practical tests to the RTT-V’s satisfaction, completing the task whilst remaining safe and authentic throughout.
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of fire safety and emergency procedures.
- Answer at least 7 of the 10 of each of the question sections correctly.
The candidate will automatically fail the test if they injure themselves or any other person whilst carrying out the test.
Notes :- A candidate who is physically incapable of undertaking any of the test sections may still pass if they can prove their knowledge of the task and direct a third party to do the task for them.
Consideration may be given to prevailing weather conditions which may prevent the task from being successfully completed, providing that the candidate makes a reasonable attempt and can prove that they know the proper procedures.
Photo Credit: Julia Kuivenhoven