Brythonic female names

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Largely taken from the Medieval Name Archive (, list is not exhaustive.

Cornish Names

Aedoc – Anauprost – Arganteilin – Ceinguled – Fuandrec - Gloiucen – Gloiumed – Guenbrith – Guencen – Guencenedl – Guenguiu – Guenmon – Ilcum – Iudprost – Medguistl – Meduil – Moruith – Oncenedl – Oncum – Onguen – Ourcen – Ourdilic – Proscen – Prosguetel – Rum – Tanguistl –

Breton Names

Beladore – Berthildis – Drilego – Herannuen – Melita – Prostlon – Rimoete –

Early Northern Brythonic Names

Ystradwel - Gwawl - Gwawr - Nyfain - Gwrygon Goddau - Efrddyl - Ceindrech - Enynny - Modron - Morfudd - Den(y)w - Rhieinfellt - Languoreth - Angharad - Gwladus - Dwywai - Onnen Greg -