COVID rules

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The latest version of the rules will always be located in the The Vikings H&S Public Directory.
Make sure you look for the relevant Stage document.


Due to the ever-changing climate that we find ourselves in with COVID-19, this page is meant as a starting point for organising Events. This page is to be used in addition to all other Rules of The Vikings, in addition all current UK Government Guidelines should be followed. To hold any Event, we need to ensure that the COVID-Secure guidelines are followed at all times. The main part of this is to adhere to the current Social Distancing guidance that will be published on the website, and ensure that you have a working understanding of the guidelines. At the moment we are recommending that only Outdoor activities are held, as it is easier to minimise the risk of transmission. Venue specific rules must be adhered to at all times. The Group Health and Safety Officer (or Group Leader if the group does not have one) is responsible for ensuring these rules are adhered to, and by definition is the COVID Officer. For the basis of this page, Events are any activity done in the name of The Vikings. These include but not limited to:

  • Shows
  • School Visits
  • Training


To assist in getting the relevant documentation ready and filed, we are allowing a phased approach to follow 1 week after each relevant Government Phase.

Logo.gif Event Registration and Registers

  • All events need to be registered as per Society Guidelines on the society database
  • All events need to have a current Risk Assessment filed.
  • All events need to have a show register of all participants to assist with track and trace. This must be done on the Society database as with a normal show and completed within 24 hours of the event ending. This should be in addition to anything the site requires.

Return to training outside – Rule of 6

  • England – No earlier than 1 week after Step 1 (part 2) implemented (currently 5th April 2021)
  • Scotland – No announcement yet
  • Wales – No Earlier than 1 week after Wales return of 6 (Currently 1st May)

Full event rules for step 1 (part 2)

Return to training inside – Rule of 6

  • England – No earlier than 1 week after Step 3 implemented (currently 24th May 2021)
  • Scotland – No announcement yet
  • Wales – No Earlier than 1 week after Wales return of 15 inside (Currently 10th May)

Full event rules for step 3

Return to training outside – Max of 30

  • England – No earlier than 1 week after Step 3 implemented (currently 24th May 2021)
  • Scotland – No announcement yet
  • Wales – No Earlier than 1 week after Wales return of Organised Outdoor Events (Currently 3rd May)

Full event rules for step 3

Return to LH overnight camping – Max of 30

  • England – No earlier than 1 week after Step 3 implemented (currently 24th May 2021)
  • Scotland – No announcement yet
  • Wales – No earlier than 1 week after Alert Level 2 implemented (currently 24th May 2021)

Full event rules for step 3

Return to Shows/Normal

  • England – No earlier than 5 days after Step 4 implemented (currently 23rd July 2021)
  • Scotland – No earlier than 5 days after Step 4 implemented (currently 23rd July 2021)
  • Wales – No announcement yet

At this stage the normal Society Rules will apply, with the addition of any COVID related extras.

To aid the process I have recommended the use of Lateral Flow Tests, these are freely available. The use of these will help protect yourselves and others more vulnerable. Think of it like a shield wall, protect the person to your left and right and you will be safer 😉

In addition there is a lot of talk in the Event Community about the use of the COVID Pass. This is available from the NHS (App or website), it is going t be used for Events and Travel. So as I suspect it will be used heavily in the immediate term, I advise people to get comfortable with it. The Pass is available if any of the following are true:

  • You have had a negative LFT test (but only valid for 48 hours) and registered it on the NHS APP or site
  • You have had your full set of Vaccinations, and 2 weeks have passed since the last one.

Full event rules for step 4

Logo.gif Shows

No event involving the general public should take place until group members have retrained in the appropriate activities (hand-to-hand combat, missile weapons, cavalry, LHE activities) and been signed off, as detailed by the appropriate Society Training Officer.