Events Calendar

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Events Calendar

The Society maintains 2 versions of the events calendar. The Public Calendar gives minimal details of the shows, designed for members of the public who wish to attend one of our events, and give little detail other than the event name, date and place. It does not include details of internal event such as Training Weekends or the Vaetfang.

Members are recommended to use the Members Calendar calendar which will describe the event in much more detail, including information about camping and access to the site.

There is also a Google calendar of Society events.

  1. Log onto Google Calendar using your Google account and go to 'Add a Calendar'
  2. Click on 'Add a friends calendar' and paste in
  3. Society events will then display as an additional track in your Google calendar.
  4. If you only want to see weekends, go to the top right corner in google calendar, then select agenda. You will now only see the dates with appointments in.

If you prefer Outlook, the calendar can also be synchronised to outlook/365 via the link:

Instructions For Outlook:

In 365 it's even easier:
