In Memoriam Paddy Hinton
Paddy (the Axe) Hinton, 1967 – 2024
Groups: Axholmr, Ormsheim, Ousekjarr & the Black Guard
Paddy came to re-enactment initially via Regia Anglorum, as a member of the Axholmr group based around Goole in Yorkshire. He joined The Vikings at the start of the 1997 season when Axholmr moved as a group between the societies, and Paddy was quick to get out and meet all of the new people he could now play with. At an early stage he stood out, not just because he was tall and wide and intimidating to people who didn't know him, but because of his unique sense of humour and combination of a sense of fun with a strong practical streak. Two examples in particular have passed into legend - his earliest helmet was an eastern style model with a "chimney" attachment to mount a horsehair plume, but on a training weekend Paddy went for a walk in the woods and came back with a single daffodil in the socket which he proceeded to wear for the rest of the session. On another occasion, he turned up to a training weekend with a modified golf cart, into which he had inserted his sword, seax, at least one axe, dane axe, spear, helmet, gloves, bow, arrows and then attached his shield to the front so that he could make his way between sessions as needed without having to either make multiple trips or leave some of his kit behind.
Paddy became the very model of a Viking warrior, and appeared in many photos over the years as the camera seemed drawn to him. On the field he could be terrifying, shouting and screaming very loudly and launching a barrage of attacks combined with a physicality which persuaded many opponents that they were going to lose long before he'd closed to weapons range. Behind the facade though was a thoughtful, caring and highly honourable person who really wanted to look the part, but who would be mortified if he hurt anyone or did something which even approached being dangerous, and he was respected as one of the warriors that others aspired to match both in ability and in image.
Off the field, Paddy gave freely of his time to train others and to assist anyone who needed help. He became a training officer, encouraging others both to be technically good, but also to work on looking good as well - the show was really important, and he wanted the audience to believe that they were watching a real fight rather than people playing a game. In time he became the society Dane Axe thegn, and worked to ensure that others could provide the dramatic demonstrations of the power and effectiveness of the weapon while maintaining an excellent level of safety for those facing them. He was also highly valued as an actor in Viking scenarios, where his enthusiasm and boundless energy surprised no-one who knew him.
After the demise of the Axholmr group, Paddy joined Ormsheim and was also invited to join the Black Guard where of course he fitted the image of a royal huscarl perfectly. He moved to Ousekjarr a few years later, and became a keen camper in the LHE primarily for the convenience but also so that he could be part of the evenings while his young daughter slept safely nearby. Paddy had an infectious laugh, and you could tell when he was up to something as he couldn't avoid giggling as he stretched the rules or planned some entertaining if slightly nefarious activity that would be retold for years to come.
In addition, Paddy also joined Tournée to depict the early C14th as a Yorkshire knight. The opportunity to wear more armour and hit harder seemed too good for him to miss, and he became an opponent that few could beat for skill, and none for energy or fitness. On several occasions where the numbers were not equal, Paddy volunteered to fight twice compared to others who could manage only one round. He also developed his archery skills, and while he was rarely close to winning in competitions, he was never far behind.
His teaching ability also found an outlet in martial arts, where he became qualified as a Tai Chi instructor.
Paddy was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in the first half of 2024. While he fought hard and remained cheerful and practical as his condition worsened, he knew that there was to be no recovery. He spent the time he had wisely, and it was no surprise to anyone that he planned his own funeral and burial down to the last detail, and that the music for the service had many of those attending desperately trying to suppress an attack of the giggles. His final resting place is under a boat-shaped burial mound skirted by trees. It tickled him that one of those helping to plan the layout also had to enter the site details into the Historic Environment Record as part of his role as County Archaeologist.
Paddy was supported throughout by his wife Chrissie and his daughter Katy. While Chrissie was never actively involved in re-enactment, she was a frequent visitor and made it possible for Paddy and in time for Katy to participate fully as a result of her unceasing support.