Membership rules
A document containing the complete rules of membership is available on DocStore (password required). A summary of the rules can be found below.
General Rules
a. A member of The Vikings is any person who has paid his/her annual subscription to the Society for the current year and who has been granted a membership card. Only those whose dues are fully paid are entitled to the privileges of membership. The Vikings reserves the right to refuse membership without explanation. The Vikings has the right to withdraw membership from any individual or group should it consider this action to be in the best interests of The Vikings.
b. A voting member is any adult member (i.e. over 18 years of age) who has 18 months of continuous membership within the Society.
c. Membership expires on the 31st December of each year. Members must have paid their renewal fees before attending any function in the following year.
d. The minimum age for adult membership is 18 years. Junior membership is available.
e. Only members of The Vikings may attend and take part in Society events.
f. The member agrees to be bound by the rules of The Vikings made now or in the future and by the terms of any contract entered into by The Vikings on his/her behalf
g. The Vikings is not liable for any injury, loss or damage incurred by a member arising from any of the activities organised by The Vikings.
h. The Vikings is not liable for any injury, loss or damage inflicted by a member on a member of the public during any event, if that member was acting in contravention of the rules The Vikings.
i. The member agrees not to organise musters, shows, or commit The Vikings to any undertaking without the approval of the Konungr.
j. Any member appearing in a public display must be suitably dressed and equipped. The member agrees to dress and equip himself/herself in accordance with the Authenticity guidelines laid down by The Vikings and to accept the authority of the Authenticity Thegn in judging the standard of this equipment. The member should never combine 21st Century apparel with period costume when on a show ground or representing The Vikings in any way.
k. All members are expected to comply with safety guidelines, whether laid down by The Vikings or event organisers. All members are expected to be conversant with safety rules -ignorance is not accepted as an excuse.
l. All members are expected to obey orders given to them by an Officer of The Vikings. Grievances must be aired afterwards, in private.
m. Members are at all times responsible for the welfare and behaviour of any children or animals in their care.
n. All members are expected to read and comply with the Equal Opportunities and Diversity policy of The Vikings.
o. The member agrees to assign to The Vikings the copyright of any photographic, film or written material, which the member either produces or appears in, on behalf of The Vikings. The member retains no rights over the subsequent use of the material by The Vikings for advertising or promotional purposes.