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Welcome to the Safeguarding, Child Protection and Domestic Abuse Page.

The safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is everyone's responsibility. Every society member, whether they have children themselves or children in their group and of course whilst interacting with children attending our events should be aware of how to behave to safeguard children and who to speak to if they have any concerns at all about a child.

You may contact the Education and Safeguarding Thegn, you may contact the Konungr. If you believe a child is at immediate risk of harm you may contact the NSPCC or the Police.

This page gives links to the main society documents relating to Safeguarding.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Safeguarding Policy Statement

Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures

Safeguarding for School Visitors

The Society also has guidance on recognizing and supporting those experiencing Domestic Abuse:

Domestic Abuse Guidance

Group leaders must ensure that each Junior/Youth member of their group has an Junior Activity Consent Form completed at the beginning of each season. These may be found in the group leader's folder of Docstore. These should be held by the group leader.

Following the 2021 Jarls' Meeting several group Jarls and Sturaesmen contributed their ideas to this list of ways you might know whether your group was tuned into the safeguarding requirements.

12 Things you might see in a group with a strong safeguarding culture

  1. All group members feel comfortable and confident to go to the group leader or another officer, with any concern, including those about children or vulnerable people. There is an open positive culture where everyone feels their views are valued and they can speak up.
  2. The Group Leader and group officers have read the society safeguarding policy and practice guide and have shared key points with their group members. Members know to contact the Safeguarding Thegn with queries or concerns.
  3. Group leaders have made sure the Activity Consent forms are completed for all under 16s in their group and have used these forms as a chance to speak with parents about keeping their children safe. (Forms to be held by the group leader.)
  4. The group leader knows which group members have knowledge or training in safeguarding, who can support them to fulfil their responsibilities.
  5. A group leader may have appointed someone to lead on safeguarding, whilst recognising that safeguarding is the responsibility of all.
  6. All members of the group consider whether posts and images shared online/social media portray a society where the wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults are taken seriously. Members don’t take pictures of children within the society without parental permission.
  7. All members of the group ensure that their behaviour is appropriate after hours/round the campfire in front of children and vulnerable adults.
  8. Members attending training sessions are aware of any U18s taking part.
  9. Members are aware that the vast majority of abusers are known to their victims.
  10. Group Members feel confident to speak to members of the public if they feel they are interacting with Vike children inappropriately.
  11. Group members keep a watch on children and young people in their group and report concerns to their parents/guardians.
  12. Group members check another adult is present when close contact is required e.g. helping a child try a helmet/bow/shield. Group members avoid being on their own with children unrelated to them, especially in private spaces.