The Library

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Guidelines for the use of the Vikings Society Library

The following is a list of rules and guidelines covering the use of the Society Library. Members failing to adhere to the rules will be noted, further infractions will result in blacklisting. The Library is split into two sections - lending and research. Books from the lending section may be loaned to Society members on request (following the rules below), books from the research section may be viewed at events where they are present and extracts may be requested but they will not be available to borrow. A complete list of the available books can be found here.

The list has been organised so it can be searched by title, tags etc. The tag “Reference” means that the book is only available for research. The tag “Lending” shows that title may be borrowed. Some journals are also accessible so please ask if you are looking for a specific article. The librarian can be contacted via vikelibrary[at] and is always open to suggestions for improving the service or new books so feel free to point out good deals, new publications etc. Donations of appropriate books are also welcome.

Lending Library Rules

  • Books are for loan to members only.
  • Where possible, requested books will be passed on in person, if the need is urgent then the book may be posted out, though postage would have to be paid for this. Most books will require a returnable deposit before borrowing (50% of book price or £10 as a guideline).
  • Where possible, borrowed books will be collected in person, but if the Library needs them urgently, the borrower must pay to send them back for others to use.
  • The listed borrower is held responsible for a book at all times, please do not pass them onto other people to borrow without checking with the librarian first - there may be a queue and it is unfair to try and jump it. Also, you are still liable for the book and may lose your deposit.
  • Please return the book in the condition you received it otherwise you may be liable for replacing it.
  • If you only require a small section of a book for a specific reference or item, please say so as it may be possible to simply scan the relevant section and email it to save time and money.

Research Library Rules

  • Books are not available for loan though members can ask for a specific book to be brought to an event if possible.
  • Members may request a portion or extract from a book, which will be emailed to the member. The amount allowable is governed by standard copyright law and may not exceed a certain amount (generally 5% or a single chapter/article), so please be specific - if you want to see the knife sheaths from a particular site then say that, please don’t just ask for the whole leatherworking chapter. Likewise a request for “examples of Saxon 10th C knife sheaths” is acceptable as it will be pages from different volumes.