Organising Events

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How to book a show

All this information is available in full in this document. Please read before booking your first events

In summary

  • When a potential client makes contact with you, take their details, an outline of their requirements from the show and the date.
  • Make sure your group is available for that date and then contact your area Regional Events Coordinator - (RECs) to see if that date is free, for example from any Major Events. If a Major event has been booked on that date, no other show should be booked on the same day, except in exceptional circumstances at the Konungr’s discretion or that of a nominated deputy (the Society Events Coordinator). The Society also tries to avoid organising two Medium Events in close proximity on the same day, or a Minor event close to a Medium.
 List of RECs - click on the link to find your nearest area coordinator
  • Decide if the event needs to be a Medium or Minor show and agree this with your REC. Do NOT include guests or guest groups in your calculations as you will need special permission to invite them - it may not be granted.
  • Your REC will then contact the Events Coordinator, - Gail Bowden, to see if there are any clashes or issues relating to the show.
  • Once your REC confirms the date is free, you can then finalise your commitment to the client/show organiser and agree the fee.
  • Once this is done, fill out the form on the Society admin database.
  • Organise a site visit. There is a checklist available here and you should also either take a copy of the risk assessment form with you, or ensure you have read it first. The online form is linked to your Event on AdminDB and you could fill in the form as you walk round with the client.
  • Fill out the Risk assessment on AdminDB and submit. If for any reason this is not possible, you can downloaded a paper form from here and send to
vikehs[at] Full instructions on how to do this can he found here.

This should be submitted at least 2 weeks before an event. If this is not possible, please contact vikehs[at] immediately to explain why.

A show will ONLY be allowed once ALL of the above has been completed. If authorisation is not properly sought or the risk assessment not confirmed as having been completed properly and filed, then your event will NOT be covered by The Viking Society insurance and as such, you have no comeback in the event of any claims made against you by any member of the public.

Logo.gif Official Society rules

An event may not take place, and will not be insured by The Vikings unless ALL of the above has been done and APPROVED. An event must NOT be advertised until approval has been given, and you must make it clear to the client that any contract is subject to Society approval being granted.

When negotiating a price remember to include:

Gail Bowden Events Co-ordinator email: