Provincial membership
Provincial Membership is available to any member who does not wish to be a member of a group.
The reasons for becoming a Provincial Member can vary according to personal circumstances; it might simply be the nearest group is too far away in which case becoming a Provincial still gives you all the benefits as a Society Member.
There are of course disadvantages and advantages of becoming a Provincial Member. Probably the main disadvantage is the isolation and not having the backing and experience of fellow Group Members.
However, a great advantage is it can be very rewarding as all your achievements will be on your own merit which is recognised and respected by the Society as a whole.
Starting out as a new Provincial Member can be a bit daunting but information and guidance can be obtained via the Vikings websites and social media. If the preference is to speak to a human, then please contact the Provincial Members Co-ordinator, details are available in the Society newsletter ‘The Runestaff’, which will either be posted directly or can be viewed via the Vikings Doc Store.
All training and assessments whether it be Combat, Archery, Crafts, Acting, Kit Checks or anything in the Living History Encampment can be done at Society Training Weekends and generally at all Major events. Dates and information for these are available in the Runestaff or Society website.
Most Groups will offer training to all Society Members, however, individual groups should be contacted for further details.
If any Provincial Member feels that they are due an award or promotion they should not wait to receive recognition, but should instead contact the Provincial Members Co-ordinator to discuss this as they may be unaware of your current status.