Combat Assessments

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The combat rules are intended to ensure that all combat is as safe as possible whilst remaining enjoyable. The rules change and evolve as does “The Vikings” and are the result of many years of experience. Assessments help us to ensure that you are safe to use a weapon - some are mandatory, others may be required to allow you to progress to use a broader range of weapons. The diagram below should help to explain this.

Training progression.png

A full list of assessing officers is available.

The Combat Handbook is available here. This is the latest version of our combat rules manual, ratified by RTTs on 27/01/2024. Our assessment manual is being updated and should be available in 2024.

If you would like to see how the skills of a basic warrior are assessed, consult the new Battlefield Safety Assessment v3.4 and the Questions for the Battlefield Safety Assessment on Docstore.

If you would like to find out more about training to use one of the melee weapons from the Viking period contact the combat training thegn

If you would like to find out more about training to use one of the Missile weapons from the Viking period contact the missile weapons thegns