Main Page
Welcome to "The Vikings!" Wiki
The wiki is intended to help you find all you need to know about membership of "The Vikings!" reenactment society. The information on these pages will be as correct, and up to date, as we can make it but the official versions of any rules and regulations will be as published in the official Society guides and documentation and stored on DocStore. The wiki is intended to make some of this material more accessible, not to replace the detailed documentation.
This wiki is currently under construction and probably always will be! Whilst editing a page is limited to only a few Society members, the "Discussion" tab, which anyone can edit, allows everyone to question and debate. We encourage you to use it.
A full list of all pages on the wiki can be found on the alphabetical index page.
Membership of The Vikings
Joining the Vikings |
Health and Safety
Publicity and Communications |
Clothing and personal kit
Authenticity and the Vikings Society |
Who we portray |
Basic costume |
Specialist costume and equipment |
Making kit and costume
Arms and Armour
Skills and Specialisations
Taking part in Acting Displays
Equipment |
Crafts |
Sailing Department | |
Viking Role-Playing
Knowing more
Context and background |
Further reading |
The History of the Society |
Online archiveThe society operates an online archive system at which has over 50000 items listed dating from the early 1970s up to the present day. The aim of the archive is to present as much of the history of the society as we can for public consumption, including photos, videos, documents, event flyers and posters, and anything else (including old kit and clothing) which is part of our shared heritage. More recent documents may be subject to restricted access for a short time for obvious commercial reasons. |
Society IT
- Look at the Vikings FAQ;
- Acronym and jargon buster;
- Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software;
- The MediaWiki FAQ is also helpful;
- If you're taking part in a discussion, please follow the simple courtesy rules; or
- If you're editing page content, please refer to the styleguide and tips on writing for the web